Sunday, September 12, 2010


Captured by the Light!  My friend and fellow photographer Tammi (Simply Taken Photography by Tammilynn) were very lucky to attend Captured by the Light Tour 2010 by David Ziser. 
What an amazing evening it was! I learned so much.  David Ziser is a fantastic photographer and has a wonderful stage presence.  It's so inspiring to learn from such a strong photographer.  Our evening was filled with tips on everything from lighting to workflow.  I'm very glad that he included a lecture guide.  There's no way I could have taken notes on all of the topics he covered.  No matter what your art form, I think it's always a struggle to keep a fresh perspective and find new inspiration.  A great seminar never fails to kick start the creative force!

School is in full swing.  We're starting our 4th week tomorrow!  Wow... it's going fast.  I'm enjoying my Advanced Digital Photography Class.  I'm in the presence of some wonderful photographers.  I need my swifty track shoes to keep up!  My images from last week were fun.  It was all about diagonals.  Here's my fav from the week...  shot from the Peavine Trail.  Watson Lake, Prescott, AZ


  1. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for the very nice remarks.
    Allthe best, David

  2. You're welcome... Sorry it took so long to respond! I don't think I knew there were comments! lol I really did enjoy the workshop! I hope you have a wonderful tour!
